Friday, September 13, 2013

Some Chapters In the history of Truro by Ashley Rowe

Cornish Men and Matters

Newspaper Article from "The West Briton" titled Cornish Men and Matters
by Ashley Rowe

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

1940 census Buffalo NY, James Trewolla

Today I discovered the 1940 census for my Grandparents James and Miriam Trewolla. I have been missing that one for years. I stumbled on it when I was searching for my Grandmas brother who was a Harrison. When I found her brother on the census, I saw that he lived with his sister Miriam and her husband James. But it was indexed as Kewolla on So that's why I have never been able to find it. That's what I love about genealogy is finding unexpected things like this.

1940 census Buffalo NY

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Family History as recalled by Elizabeth Frances "Bettie" Trewolla-Fortson

This information came from the keepsake book that Bettie wrote in. The info in the (  ) are my notes.  

"Hinkleville Ballard Co. Ky Feb 14, 1887

I have heard my father say there was property left us in England, but never heard who it was left by. My great grandfathers name was Henry (1734-1811) and I think his wifes name was Tanson (it was Thomasine Courtenay). They had 4 sons, Samual, William, John and Henry. I have seen them. If there were any more I dont know it. John, (1769 Eng -1851 Ballard Ky) that is my grandfather married Margaret Pearce (1769-1861 Ballard Ky). They had 10 children only four came to this country. The others died in England. Their names were, Samual, Henry, John and James. John that was my father married Elizabeth Boase. They were married in Penzance England. James married Harriette Pascoe in Truro, Cornwall County England. There was a woman called Aunt Adams, seems that there was property left by her, dont know which side of the ...(continued on page 2) … she was conected to. My father used to sign his name John C Trewolla. The "C" was for Courtney. It may be a family name. (it was his grandmas maiden name)

Bettie Trewolla Fortson"

The bottom of the 2nd page is about the death of Margaret Pearce-Trewolla wife of John Trewolla and grandmother of Bettie who wrote this.

Death of John Trewolla, page from Keepsake book

John Trewolla son of Henry Trewolla and Thomasin Courtenay (1769-1851) Born in Truro, Cornwall, died in Ballard Co Ky

John Trewolla
Departed this life on the 17 Sep 1851 aged 82 years. He passed away with out a struggle or groan. I (Bettie, this is her grandpa) stood by him in his last moments .... He was conscious, his end was near but he had no fear and sweetly fell asleep in Jesus

Trewolla Family Keepsake Book

This is a Keepsake Book purchased by William Boase Trewolla, he handed it over to his sister, Elisabeth Frances Trewolla-Fortson AKA "Aunt Bettie". She recorded the family births, deaths, and what she could remember of the stories told to her about the Trewolla in Cornwall England.
John Henry Trewolla oldest son of John Courtenay Trewolla and Elisabeth Boase, born 21 Jun 1828 in Truro, Cornwall and died 23 Aug 1852 in Ballard Co. Ky

John Henry Trewolla
Departed this life on the 23rd day, age 24 years 2 moths and 2 days.He is gone to the God that gave him, he was sick three weeks, he saw his end was mear, he knew his ? was nearly over, but he feard not the grim death he called us all around his bed and talked to each and every on and wared us to flee the wrath to come, he was taken from us in the morning of life, it was a trial to us all to part with him, the first grown son and brother but Gods will be done and I pray that my end may be like his,

Death of Elisabeth Boase wife of of JCT John Courtenay Trewolla

Pages about her mothers death, Elisabeth Boase Trewolla

Betties keepsake book, pg 1 of Elisabeth Boase Trewollas death

page 2
 by Bettie Trewolla Fortson

Departed this life on the 17th of Dec 1863 age 59 years 3 weeks and 5 days. It has been nearly 2 years since my dear dear Mother, the sweetest and dearest to me has been laid in the silent grave. Oh how the time flys, w?e can stand by the bedside of a living Chrisian and not belieive in the reality of religion. ??.... My Mother called all her children around her beside and blessed us. We promised to meet her in heaven. Oh that we may hold out faithfull to our promis. She was happy in a Saviour, love and perfectly willing to be with him at rest. She talked....(continued on page 2)… to us all in perfect calmness and say the sweet words of Jesus love of my soul, ?? There is not a doubt but she is i heaven and may all her children meet her there is my ?, it is a sad thing to lose a Mother, but there is few that have not, I do not wish her back in this troublesome world thoug a world I would give to hear her voice once more, but oh its still in death a volume could I write but my heart is full it will be but a short time when we shall meet ??

Bettie F Fortson

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Trewola Farm in Goran, Cornwall

My dad Lynn Trewolla when he went to Cornwall to visit and do research with his dad James A Trewolla.
From the Trewolla Binder put together by James A Trewolla


Visitation of Cornwall - Trewolla Surname

The Visitation of Cornwall County in 1620 . Thomas Trewolla, born about 1571 to John and Lettice nee Rashliegh, is the one who furnished the pedigree to the Visitor in 1620. He reported the 5 generations that he knew of . Thomas is the earliest family member on record to spell his name with double Ls. Trewolla vs Trewola. He was the principal heir of his fathers estate at "Trewola", and 8 of his children are mentioned as beneficiaries in their grandfather Johns will. These8 were living when the will was made in 1625. Thomas married Rachael Hallamore.
Thomas and Rachael's children:
1. John "of Trewola in Goran" born 1600 and was buried April 13th 1679 per Goran Parish Register.
2. William born 1605
3. Richard born 1606
4. Thomas Jr born 1607
5. George baptized Feb 21 1610 died before 1620 (not in the will)
6. Phillip born 1612
7. James born 1614 at Gwennap
8. Petronell named after her Aunt Petronell Hollamore
9. Agnis
10. Elizabeth
11. Ellen died August 1636 and buried at Gwennap
Thomas Trewolla and his son John 1600-1679 are buried in St Gorans Church. Graves are inside the church and are now hid by newer tile.

This brochure belonged to James A Trewolla who got in on his visit to Cornwall

back of postcard


Map of Goran drawn by James A Trewolla